HERBERT BRANDLInauguration of the church windows

Current Art in Architecture
Pfarre St. Johann im Walde
Lienz, East Tyrol
14 Apr14 Oct 2024
read inGerman
The East Tyrolean parish of St. Johann im Walde was able to recruit Herbert Brandl for the artistic design of its church.
In the course of the renovation, Herbert Brandl designed the glass doors and their side panes on both sides of the church extension from the 1960s with large-format paintings. Herbert Brandl uses colours in various shades of green to refer to branches, shrubs and leaves that can be seen when entering a forest. It is about transitions, about familiar and sacred spaces. Nature and spirituality are closely intertwined in this work.
The five large windows in the central nave of the late Gothic church are dominated by the colour blue in varying degrees of intensity. A flood of colour unfolds in a gestural painting on glass, which alludes associatively to both the elemental force of surging masses of water and a torn open sky - from the blue of the sea to a veil of light that already points to another world.
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