Unknown FamiliarsThe Collections of Vienna Insurance Groupincluding Luisa Kasalicky

Current Museum Group Exhibition
Curated byPhilippe Batka and Vanessa Joan Müller
Leopold Museum
8 May6 Oct 2024

Middle: Luisa Kasalicky, Herz, Pik, Karo - en bas relief, white, Nr.6, 2017, tempera on canvas, 170 x 155 cm

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To mark the 200-year anniversary of Wiener Städtische Versicherungsverein, the main shareholder of the Vienna Insurance Group, the Leopold Museum, as a long-standing partner, presents a comprehensive exhibition that brings together highlights from all six of the Group’s collections for the first time. Unknown Familiars. The Vienna Insurance Group Collections presents carefully selected works from the companies’ holdings in Austria, the Czech Republic, Serbia and Latvia. The medially diverse presentation occupies an entire museum floor and brings together more than 200 works of various genres from different eras. Young, contemporary art encounters the modernism of the interwar period; the avant-garde of the 1970s meets important positions in current Austrian art.
Quote Opening
Our exhibition brings the unknown – or to be more precise, unknown familiars, as yet unacquainted relatives – to the table. The works presented in the Leopold Museum come from the collections of companies that are connected to the Vienna Insurance Group, but which meet here for the first time. To this end, we are deliberately removing some of the cornerstones of the familiar view of art in favour of an encounter with the new. As an invisible prism, surrealism allows the very diverse collections to emerge in unexpected bundles across art-historical periods and media.
Philippe Batka
Quote Opening
We have found a focus in our selection from the individual collections, but in the presentation of the works, the individual pieces come into dialogues across the col-lections. There is also no chronological sequence within the exhibition programme. Rather, we have worked out references between the individual works that aim to visualise correspondences in an intuitive way. The direct encounter with art is very important to us.
Vanessa Joan Müller
Learn more about
  • Jorit Aust
  • Courtesy: Leopold Museum
  • © Leopold Museum

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