Jessica StockholderPicture Making and Assembling

Museum Group Exhibition
Carnegie Museum of Art
30 Mar 2024
Guest-curated by artist Jessica Stockholder (b. 1959, Seattle, WA), this presentation explores intersections between Stockholder’s sculpture/paintings and a selection of artworks from our collection. Since the 1980s, Stockholder has developed a unique way of orchestrating materials that calls for close examination of pictorial space, a stretching of its boundaries, and how it intersects materials in our everyday. From a 19th-century still life painting to a contemporary sculpture informed by Minimalism, this group of artworks casts another look at the ordinary.
The presentation is organized by Jessica Stockholder with Liz Park, Richard Armstrong Curator of Contemporary Art, and Cynthia Stucki, curatorial assistant.
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  • Zachary Riggleman
  • Courtesy of Carnegie Museum of Art

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